Life Abundant with Krista

Super Cal Plus Spotlight

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We have all heard how important Calcium is for our bodies, but sadly conventional over the counter supplements are full of less than ideal ingredients. Super Cal Plus from Young Living has been formulated as more than just a calcium supplement - it is a full spectrum bone health supplement!

Super Cal Plus is a synergistic blend of bioavailable calcium, magnesium, vitamins D and K, and other trace minerals that supports the structure, integrity, and density of bones and teeth. Plus, adequate calcium and vitamin D throughout life as part of a well-balanced diet may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.



  • Uses a synergistic blend of bioavailable calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals derived from red algae harvested off the coast of Iceland
  • Features a dual-action blend that helps maintain and support the structure, integrity, and density of bones
  • Promotes healthy bones by supporting the body's ability to resorb bone tissue (osteoclasts) and deposit new bone tissue (osteoblasts)
  • Provides an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, vitamin K, and vitamin D
  • Helps support and contribute to the maintenance of healthy bones using calcium, magnesium, and a unique matrix of trace minerals

If you're taking a calcium supplement from your local store, you may want to grab it and look at the label. Research is showing that more harm than good may be done through taking and fortifying foods with calcium where magnesium is not present. While calcium can harden on its own, potentially even causing problems in the arteries, the difference in Young Living's Super Cal Plus supplement is dramatic. Along with the high quality calcium, magnesium relaxes for better flow throughout the body, Vitamin D3 increases absorption, and Vitamin K helps to actually push the calcium into deficient areas like the bones.

BACKGROUND Our bodies need calcium for so many processes -- in order to circulate blood, move muscles, and release hormones. Calcium helps carry messages from the brain to all the parts of the body and is a major part of tooth and bone health as well. It makes your bones strong and dense. To say that it is important is a vast understatement!

Finding a good calcium supplement isn't easy though. We want something that is readily absorbed, sustainably sourced from nature (not made in a lab), and in combination with other essential vitamins and nutrients like magnesium and Vitamin D. And we want all of that in one supplement! Which is why Young Living reformulated Super Cal Plus - they had all these requirements in mind when they created this incredible supplement.

Super Cal Plus combines a synergistic blend of bioavailable calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals derived from red algae harvested off the coast of Iceland to create an all encompassing bone health supplement! This combination helps the body maintain healthy bones by supporting the body's ability to resorb bone tissue (osteoclasts) and deposit new bone tissue (osteoblasts) - a process that happens naturally but often becomes out of balance with age.

As we age our bodies tend to resorb bones faster than the new tissue can be deposited, which is a big reason why calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D supplementation is incredibly important! This is even more important for individuals with risk factors for bone density issues and those with chronic illness as that places a physical toll on the body. Adding Super Cal Plus to your daily wellness routine is a wonderful way to support a healthy bone structure, especially as we age!


  • Vitamin D: essential for calcium absorption, supports healthy liver and kidneys and helps increase immune function and energy levels
  • Vitamin K: helps regulate normal blood clotting as well as kidney function
  • Calcium: a highly-absorbable calcium sourced from red algae that is essential for healthy bones and teeth and supports a healthy heart
  • Magnesium: works alongside calcium to promote health teeth and bones, is crucial for enzyme function and muscle contractions, supports healthy blood pressure levels
  • Idaho Blue Spruce: supports the body's pain response to inflammation and injury, specifically within the joints
  • Black spruce: supports the body's pain response to inflammation and injury, specifically within the joints
  • Copaiba: this essential oil supports the body's natural response to inflammation and injury, making it a great support for bone and joint health
  • Vetiver: some studies may show support for inflammation and arthritis, has been used herbally for inflammation for many years
  • Peppermint: soothes digestion and supports muscles and tendons, helps the body absorb minerals and supports the body's response to inflammation

A NOTE ON OSTEOPOROSIS What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis affects both men and women, but of 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, about 80 percent are women. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, approximately one in two women over the age of 50 will break a bone because of osteoporosis. The foundation also states that women between the ages of 20 and 80 lose about one-third of their bone density in their hips. All the more reason why it's important to keep learning and do all we can to strengthen our bones.

A number of factors can contribute to osteoporosis, but according to the Mayo Clinic, here are some of the most common:

  1. Family tree: If you have family, like a sibling or parent, with osteoporosis, you are more likely to have the disease yourself.
  2. Years old: Even though young people can get osteoporosis, it is more prevalent among people 50 years and older.
  3. Small frames: Women and men with small body frames, because they have less bone mass to lose, are at higher risk for osteoporosis due to decrease in bone mass over time.
  4. Insufficient calcium intake: A lack of calcium across a lifetime can cause a lack of bone density.
  5. Lack of exercise: Those who tend to sit all day, like at desk jobs, or who don't exercise enough are more prone to osteoporosis.

We often think about building our muscles, but what about the structure that keeps us supported? Caring for your bones while you're young will give you the best results, but there is hope for everyone regardless of age. Follow these tips given by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease to help keep your bones healthy and strong.

  1. Get enough calcium and vitamin D: Eating a well-balanced diet and getting enough calcium and vitamin D will greatly help your chances of avoiding osteoporosis. Next time you're deciding what to eat, reach for things that are rich in vitamins like kale or spinach salad. Bone-appetit!
  2. Get up and move: The more you move, the stronger your bones will become. Weight bearing exercises like walking, running, jumping, dancing, tennis, etc. are typically best for creating and maintaining strong and healthy bones!
  3. Quit smoking and limit drinking: Smoking negatively affects your bones, heart, and lungs. If you smoke, you may absorb less calcium from the foods you eat. An excess consumption of alcohol may also affect bone health. Limit your alcohol intake; your bones will thank you.


  • Take 2 capsules daily with food. Best taken at bedtime.
  • Allow 4 hours between taking Super Cal Plus and a supplement containing iron.


  • Super Vitamin D
  • AgilEase Capsules
  • Life 9 Probiotic
  • Deep Relief Roll-on