Life Abundant with Krista

Sharing Inner Beauty Collagen

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Whether you're wanting to up your hair & skin game, feeling that postpartum hair and skin slump or needing a little extra boost after being under the weather, Inner Beauty Collagen is your new best friend! Grab these incredible graphics, photos and more and share all about this incredible supplement!


  • Grab the IG Story graphics for your favorite new products and share them! Remember that to be most effective, you want to mix up graphics with vidoes of you talking. Tell your followers why you're so excited about the new products! Just remember to keep it compliant. There are lots of great sharing points about the products in the resources linked below!
  • Use the shareable graphics, photos, or videos in a social media post, either on your personal page or in your groups. Again, make things personal. Remember to connect, inform and empower!
  • Share the links to the individual product landing pages with individual people, in a text, in an email or newsletter or even in a social media post!