Life Abundant with Krista

Oregano Spotlight

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Oregano essential oil is one of the most powerful and versatile antioxidant essential oils around, and it is one you definitely want in your arsenal. Immune and digestive support, sweet relief for tired muscles, strength for the energy centers of the body -- these are just a few things this incredible oil can do!



  • Has a bold, herbaceous aroma that creates feelings of safety and security
  • An important component in the Raindrop Technique
  • Helps cleanse the air when diffused
  • Provides immune support when taken internally
  • Has digestive-cleansing properties when taken internally
  • A key component of Inner Defense Capsules
  • Supports fatigued muscles when used in massage
  • A powerful antioxidant and great for overall wellness
  • Read more on the benefits of oregano here

Oregano essential oil is definitely a household staple! This incredible oil touts amazing benefits such as immune system support, assisting the body's response to inflammation and injury, digestive health, liver support and is a powerful antioxidant.

So much of our modern life creates free radicals within the body - both naturally occurring free radicals and those from environmental exposure. Adding antioxidants into our wellness routine provides the body with tools for repairing cellular damage at a DNA level. This is definitely something we want to have!!

One of the most widely known uses of Oregano essential oil is its ability to support the body's response to inflammation and infection, providing additional ‘boots on the ground' for the innate immune system to fight off whatever is causing imbalance. This makes Oregano a great addition to a wellness roller or supplement routine! Fun fact: oregano oil has even been used by farmers to support healthy, disease free animals!

PROVIDING A STRONG IMMUNE DEFENSE: OREGANO, THYME, CINNAMON BARK & CLOVE by Dr. Cole Woolley “A good defense keeps the enemies wondering about your strength. Many fortresses have been successfully defended by periodically showing a strong defense. Most attacks by harmful bacteria are weak attacks. A single bacterial organism can replicate into two identical organisms in 20-30 minutes. One organism may seem harmless, maybe even two; but they just keep replicating by binary fission (forming two identical organisms from one) until their numbers are significant.

Showing a strong defense from time to time can help fight off the large initial attacks. From time-to-time your human immune defenses become compromised by inadequate sleep, unhealthy diet, and poor physical conditioning. Fortunately, you can use a variety of defensive essential oils to keep a strong show of force.

These four essential oils remind me of the East High School football offensive line this past year. Ranked #1 in Utah and ranked 23rd nationally. The offensive line was massive. They moved as a unit. They held hands as they approached the defense. They looked like a solid wall. I would have been squashed by these guys. They knew they were going to win. That's what these four essential oils are like – winners.”

BACKGROUND Native to Mediterranean Europe and Western Asia, oregano is a compact flowering shrub in the mint family. Also known as wild marjoram, it was traditionally used as a culinary herb, adding a deeply herbaceous flavor and aroma to dishes. Oregano essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the plant and contains the powerful constituent carvacrol.

In the early 1100s, Oregano essential oil was listed in Hildegard's Medicine, a compilation of early German medicines by highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard of Bingen.

KEY CONSTITUENTS Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them sprecic health-supporting properties

  • Carvacrol: this constituent provides incredible benefits including immune health (overall and digestive), antioxidants, and may support the body's ability to heal.
  • Oregano is also high in phenols, so inhaling directly from the bottle will provide a very strong aroma and may irritate the skin if applied without a carrier oil. This powerful oil is a key component of immune supportive blends and supplements such as ImmuPower, Inner Defense, and the Raindrop Massage Technique.

PRODUCT & EMOTIONS The warm, herbaceous scent of Oregano essential oil can help create a sense of security emotionally. It has such wonderful properties to support our physical body, that the aroma alone evokes a sense of peace and safety.

When our physical body is below the wellness line, it absolutely affects our mental and emotional state. Pain, discomfort, feeling run down… it is exhausting. Adding in supportive oils like Oregano can help the mind feel secure and at peace as the body begins to heal, and often even paves the way for physical healing to occur.


  • Oregano Essential Oil
  • Oregano Vitality Essential Oil

OREGANO VITALITY Oregano Vitality essential oil is the same essential oil as Oregano. It is labeled differently for internal use and can be added to foods, taken in an empty vegetable capsule and used as a dietary supplement.

DAILY HABITS WITH OREGANO Oregano is a hot oil just like Peppermint, Thieves and Lemongrass, meaning it can be very warming to the skin and should typically be diluted with a carrier oil. The feet are a great place to start applying essential oil because the skin isn't as sensitive and all of our body systems end in the feet.

  • Diffuse Oregano at home to create a comforting environment while cleansing the air of odors.
  • Make a Supercharged Household Cleaner with Oregano:
    • 16oz glass spray bottle
    • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
    • 10 drops Oregano
    • 5 drops Thyme, Cinnamon Bark, Clove
    • Fill with filtered or distilled water
    • Use on any and all surfaces as desired for an extra boost!
  • Add Oregano to V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and massage it into fatigued legs and feet after a long day and onto muscles after a workout.
  • Give your muscles and your immune system some TLC with an Oregano Detox Bath:
    • 1 cup magnesium flakes or salts
    • 5 drops Oregano essential oil
    • 3 drops Aroma Siez essential oil (optional)
    • Add oils to magnesium flakes then run hot water over the cup and into the bath
  • Make a daily wellness blend to use a few times a day:
    • Wellness Roller:
      • 10 drops each Oregano, Frankincense, Thieves, Lemon
      • Top with carrier
      • Roll over the spine, lymph nodes, bottom of the feet.
  • Make a Raindrop Roller to use daily or use acutely when defenses need to be reinforced. If using acutely, use multiple times an hour for the first hour, then use at least every hour.
    • Raindrop Roller:
      • 10-15 drops each Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Marjoram, Cypress, Wintergreen, Peppermint, Aroma Siez, Lavender or Valor
      • Optional: 2-3 pumps OrthoEase Massage oil
      • Fill with carrier of choice
  • Add Oregano Vitality to your dishes in small amounts by touching a toothpick to the oil and then touching the toothpick to your food for extra flavoring.
  • Put 1 drop of Oregano Vitality and 1 drop of V-6 or olive oil in an empty vegetarian capsule and take it as a dietary supplement daily to help support a healthy immune system.
  • Add a drop of Oregano Vitality to a green smoothie to help cleanse the digestive system.

DIFFUSE Oregano is a wonderful companion to any of your favorite immune support oils or for oils that support the emotion of exhaustion! Try these blends or make one of your own:

  • Well Visit: 4 drops Oregano + 4 drops Frankincense + 3 drops Lemon + 2 drops RC or Eucalyptus Radiata
  • Restore: 3 drops Oregano + 3 drops Thyme + 3 drops Clove + 3 drops Cinnamon Bark
  • Herb Garden: 4 drops Lavender + 3 drops Oregano + 3 drops Rosemary + 2 drops Lemon
  • Breathe Easy: 4 drops Lemon + 3 drops Oregano + 3 drops Peppermint + 3 drops RC or Eucalyptus Radiata
  • Winter is Coming: 4 drops Raven + 3 drops Oregano + 3 drops Lavender + 2 drops Lemon


  • Thieves Essential Oil Blend
  • Thyme Essential Oil
  • Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
  • Clove Essential Oil
  • Inner Defense Capsules
  • Raindrop Technique Essential Oil Collection